Empathy CollaborativE | NXTech

The Empathy Collaborative | NXTech
(immersive experiences / experiential events)
Lead Writer & Experience Designer: Nako Adodoadji
Producer: Wild Crux Productions
The Empathy Collaborative (TEC) is a compelling neuroarts project working at the intersection of art and science to raise awareness of an important public health issue our country is facing within the opioid epidemic. TEC core collaborators are the mental health startup NXTech (including their community of clinical partners) and the immersive production company, Wild Crux Productions (WCP).
The ultimate goal for TEC is to produce both live and virtual immersive experiences that will humanize drug addiction and explore the relationship we all share with cravings. We plan for 10,000 members of the public to experience TEC's live events and virtual experiences throughout 2025 - 2026, and to measure the impact of our work, as we make progress.
To better understand The Empathy Collaborative's work, here's more about our core collaborators: NXTech is a neuroscience company founded to bring innovative, evidence-based digital therapies to addiction recovery, in particular for individuals with Opioid Use Disorder (known as OUD). The startup is led by a team of scientists, doctors, and designers, with a mission of improving lives for patients with OUD, while reducing the public stigma surrounding addiction and other mental health conditions. NXTech's website is: https://www.nxtech.co/.
Founded by multidisciplinary artist, Nako Adodoadji, WCP is an immersive and interdisciplinary production company that creates original and adaptive works within live production, experiential events and multimedia experiences that broadens audiences' understanding of what theatre and cinema can be, placing them in the heart of stories that come to life.
Working with NXTech, and a team of live performers, theatre artists and multimedia designers as well as individuals with OUD who are in recovery, WCP will create both live and virtual interactive immersive experiences that will increase public awareness of addiction as a chronic medical condition, driven by many factors, including feelings that almost anyone has experienced, such as cravings. In fact, the science of cravings is thought to be the major area of hope in improving addiction recovery. However, access to new cravings treatments is very limited today. With TEC, NXTech and WCP desire to reach foundations, lawmakers, insurers, and the general public with this message, and to encourage increased funding for cravings treatment support. Though there are varying ways to communicate with each of these groups, TEC is exploring immersive storytelling as a nontraditional educational tool to provide a dynamic and engaging experience for our intended audiences.
Status: In-progress
For more information on TEC or to collaborate on this project, please contact Nako HERE.